Monday, May 9, 2011

♥ Liese - Milk Tea Brown♥

I'm being a bad daughter because i dyed my hair again. Lol! Yes, my mummy don't like me doing so much things like dying, rebonding, perming my hair as these will damage my hair. But, i'm being a bad daughter i dyed my hair again. This time ♥ Liese - Milk Tea Brown♥ is my choice. =) This is my second time dying my hair myself. The first attempt was last year September where i used  ♥ Liese - Glossy Brown♥


Can see clearly that there is 2 tone. Black roots. 


A clearer one. Before dying with  ♥ Liese - Milk Tea Brown♥.
2 tone is ugly. I don't like! but i mm sek dak chop off my long hair as i like my long hair. Lol! 


Finally, after months, i bought this. 
I'm suppose to try out chestnut brown or ash brown. But my black roots are so dark, so end up getting a brighter color one. Lol.


The outcome. 
After  dying with ♥ Liese - Milk Tea Brown♥.


Under the sunlight. 


Tadah!! Yours truly. 
And, Yay! No more black roots. =)


  1. Hi, was wondering after you dyed your hair using Milk tea brown whether the roots after a few weeks will be obvious a not? And will it be ugly? Thanks!

  2. For me the color did not get lighter after it.
